Posts Tagged ‘style’

3 pairs of jeans and a pair of shorts for $16.95

July 2, 2011

My winter wardrobe was a bit ratty.  My best jeans were going into holes.  My worst jeans were perfectly sound but from the land that style forgot (really only for cleaning/gardening).  So it was time to do the thrifty, green, thing (reduce, recycle, reuse) and hit the op shops.

Thank God for the Salvo’s in Freo – they were having a sale, all ladies clothing no more than $4.99 (there were specials on men’s clothes and other stuff too, but I wasn’t buying any of that).  My opshop technique is to grab an armful (well, the maximum of 4 items that are allowed in the changerooms) in what looks like my size and try them on.  If it doesn’t fit/looks horrible out it goes and no angst-ing allowed (sizing in Australia is such a mixed bag, before you throw in European, UK and US sizing).

Today I was in luck and got three pairs of jeans at the $5 mark plus a pair of denim shorts for $2.  So my wardrobe is refreshed, my wallet is still relatively plump and the planet is happy as well.

Want to hear more about the joys of op-shopping?  Listen to US designer Jessie Arrington give a TED talk on Wearing nothing new and follow her blog Lucky so and so.   I’m not sure her rainbow style would be my choice, but the principles are sound – you could op-shop for nothing but hipster black if you wanted!